Yizheng’s website!

Welcome! I’m glad you made it… this is my personal website! 🎉🎉🥳

Unfortunately it still requires a lot of work, and expect me to be busy with applying to colleges so… there’s that.

But I promise I will be working on it! (As well as rapidcow.org!)

we are working on it! (literally)

About me (and yizz.me)

Pretend for a moment we are in yizz.me/about, ahem…

I’m Yizheng (aka rapidcow!) or Ethan (sometimes), a high school senior who likes doing math, art/music (I drew the painting above :), and occasionally programming (only when I need to, like in this case where I am just not happy with how hollow and inorganic my website would otherwise feel—you can say I… quite enjoy figuring everything out myself ;) And this website will be for precisely that! My tentative plan is:

By the way, yizz.me is supposed to be a wordplay on my name: Yizzy (Yizheng), me (Meng), except I dropped the last “y” altogether. Just to clear things up!

Well… what will you use rapidcow.org for then?

Great question! One issue is whether I get to keep this domain at all… (I assume 4-letter domains are… quitely highly demanded) But in case I do! yizz.me will be specifically for personal things (just a fancy place to stop by), while rapidcow.org involves things other people might want to visit and use for a purpose: like for my YouTube videos, my coding projects (the Perspective Library for writing diaries—dw I haven’t given up on it! I will work more on it once I am less busy!) and… yeah. That’s really it for now.

Reaching me

Just email dev [at] rapidcow [dot] org for legal jargons… the same contact can be found on rapidcow.org too.

If you just want to talk to me about this site, you can just email ethan [at] yizz [dot] me :)